Welcome to my 8th premiere pro video editing tutorial. Today I'm gonna show you how to create high quality and amazing instagram stories and instagram videos. So, let's see. First. go to Adobe Premiere then click File> New> Sequence, and click settings tab. Set editing mode to custom and timebase to 24/25 frame per second. Set the frame size to 900 (horizontal) x 1600 (vertical) and check 'Maximum render quality' then click OK. NOTE: instagram story last only 10 seconds. Now import your video to the timeline. Click> Keep exsisting settings. Then right click on the clip and click set to frame size. Now you can export your video. To export your video, you can read my previous post here . The result is like this: Thankyou for visiting my blog. Don't forget to share and comment. Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.
Pada blog ini, kami akan menunjukan cara mengedit video. Blog ini akan di bagi beberapa bagian sehingga mudah di mengerti.